Monday, May 25, 2009

Modern or Not

We visited a house recently that was admittedly modern looking and was understood to be contemporary. We were quite underwhelmed and disappointed, however. We discussed afterwards at length all the details and issues that were so dissatisfactory.
But it took a couple days and an absent mind for one of us to blurt out that he would rather live in one of those refurbished mill houses looking as if they came straight out of a Pier1 Import magazine, or something, than in the house we visited. And that’s us talking, living and breathing a modern aesthetic. Well, then it took another few days and a different discussion for us to say that this made sense. Because, we do not subscribe to the modern design aesthetic as one would to a fad. The modern house we had visited was as void of life as any of the common sub-division houses that are around. No, what we love is something quite different. We yearn for the spatial and material qualities that a built environment can have. We are after the experience that a place can invigorate in you. It’s those rich textures of sensual moments that so make the fabric of the human experience, our everyday life. It happens to be that we find in the modern contemporary design language the means to follow these yearnings. They seem to give us the freedom of design we need. But the richness, the goal for which we strive is rooted into something felt much deeper. It is about spatial qualities, about juxtapositions of materials and forms. It is about memories and rituals. About pockets of pause, where life can take place.
We think as we will dive fully into our new services of offering modern house plans online, we will discover more of these moments. We are certainly looking forward to the ride. Visit us at !

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